Discover and communicate your essence.
— Discover YOUR STYLE Section—
Join me on your style journey and your life will be transformed!
Style Discovery Session
— Either by web or in person discover your true signature style . Learn how your style is communicating to those in your community, work, friends and family.
Simplify and Curate your closet
— Simplify and Amplify your wardrobe- your time and your budget. In this sessioin you will define and refine your image , your wardrobe and your budget.
Style Tune-Up
— Most popular package is the seasonal style package which includes the VIP treatment, three 4 hour closet sessions, editing, outfitting and styling and recording the seaoson to date. This is to make your life more accessible in other areas that are more important. This saves clients time and money.
Plus you are guarnteed to look great all the time-
Cyber Style Session: 60 Minutes
(please let me know time zone)
Chief Stylist: Jill Siefert
Raise your Style Standard to new HEIGHTS!